Building Equality in Architecture (BEA) is a volunteer-run organisation made up of architects, designers, leaders, and entrepreneurs creating opportunities for community-building, advocacy, networking, and mentorship. We believe that empowering under-represented groups in the design community improves and enriches the practice of architecture, the quality of the built environment, and ultimately, the human experience. We are committed to catalyzing systemic and
transformational change with purpose-driven action, openness, compassion, and respect for diverse perspectives.

BEA currently includes chapters in Toronto (BEAT), Northern Canada (BEANorth), Atlantic Canada (BEAA), and the Prairies (BEAP).

BEAC works to generate awareness and dialogue around addressing barriers to inclusive practices by hosting talks, networking and mentorship events, dinners, and workshops aimed at empowering women in the design industry. Our events are open to all, offering an environment supportive of professional growth, learning, and collaboration. Together, we celebrate the multiplicity of voices, hands, and minds of those who plan and design our communities.

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